วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Know Your Audience in Your Wedding Speech

One of the most generally overlooked aspects of wedding speech making ready is analyzing the audience. pro speakers will tell you that they generally spend a good quantum of their making ready time trying to understand who will be listening to them speak. The presuppose they do this is that having information about your audience is a requisite asset when you begin writing your speech. An audience analysis will tell you what to put in and what to leave out. Other factors related to the audience will give you an idea of how to effectively deliver your speech. In this chapter, we'll study why audience information is so important and how that information can help you create an perfect speech.

Why Audience information is requisite for the Wedding Speech

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First, let me eliminate one misconception you might have about your audience. Some wedding speakers falsely believe that their main audience is just the bride and groom. That's not the case. Your speech is categorically being delivered to the whole wedding party and all of the wedding guests. You don't want to forget those other habitancy because their impression of your speech could also work on its reception by the bride and groom.

For example, let's say you chose to contain an adult joke in the speech because you know the groom would find it funny. You've forgotten that his mom and grandmother are also in the audience and didn't find it amusing at all, especially since many of their older friends were in attendance. Even though the groom may very well have loved your speech, he may not have liked the lecture he got from his mom because of it.

You want to preclude problems that from arising. For that reason, you need to keep your speech audience-centered which means that as you are planning and making ready your speech, you are keeping the audience at the forefront of your mind. It means that when you make decisions related to your speech, you do so by thinking about how the audience would react, not just what you would prefer or what you think the newly married merge would prefer.

Before you start throwing up your hands and saying the speech isn't worth all this trouble, let me just remind you that this is nothing distinct than what you do in daily conversations already. When you talk to friends or co-workers, you do so by taking into observation their beliefs and feelings. Unless you were extremely insensitive, you wouldn't tell a friend who supports animal ownership that you took a gun and killed a squirrel just for fun, for example. The presuppose is known as identification.

Identification is "a process in which speakers seek to create a bond with the audience by emphasizing tasteless values, goals, and experiences." More plainly put: when you are speaking to one or one hundred habitancy you want to find some way of relating to them so that they'll be more receptive to your speech. It also means that you'll do your best not to say or do whatever that would offend a large quantum of your audience, unless your purpose is to shock them which is never a good idea in a wedding speech.

As I explained already, you use identification every day as you enumerate with the varied habitancy in your life. The only unlikeness is that you normally aren't even aware that you're doing it. When you are planning the wedding speech, however, you have to be aware of it and focus on it.

One last thing that you need to comprehend about audiences is that they are, by nature, egocentric. Egocentric plainly means that they are focused on what concerns them most. Wedding Speeches bore them unless the article affects them directly.

I'm telling you this not to scare you with the idea that all of your audience is going to be bored by your speech but to encourage you to contain every person in your speech in some way. Wedding guests are typically divided up into three main groups: house members, friends, and co-workers. If you contain a mention of these groups in your speech, then you are more likely to keep their attention. You might say for example, "Sherri and Kevin are blessed to be here in the nearnessy of so many of their most treasured friends. I know I speak for them when I say we are thankful to have all of you here to help us celebrate this breathtaking event."

The audience's egocentrism is also one presuppose why so many speakers resort to humor when it comes to wedding speeches. When you add jokes or tell funny stories about the bride and groom, the audience knows instinctively that you have put those elements into your speech for their benefit. You're trying to entertain them and, if your humor is standard and effective, they will rejoinder in a unavoidable manner to your attempts. Keep in mind, however, that humor is not something every person can do.

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